Coffee And Cookies Soft Apps

TuxInfo 2.2
TuxInfo es la única revista de software libre, linux y androidgratuita de América Latina. Con 5 años de trayectoria y con mas de30.000 lectores mensuales.Encontranos en la web >> fan nuestro en Facebook >> en Twitter >>>> Biblioteca con todos los números de la revista>> Feed de Noticias del blog>> Contacto y redes sociales>> Flip para recorrer las revistas.>> Posibilidad de compartir número y estadísticas de likes ydescargas.>> Visualización de PDF online.>> Notificación en la barra de tareas sobre ladescarga.>> Implementación del Holo Style (ICS) a toda la aplicación:todos los menus o botones ahora son acciones que se encuentrandisponibles en la action bar.>> Navegación por las publicaciones a través de unFlip.>> Todos los datos de una revista juntos.>> Simplificación de las preferencias del usuario.>> Long-press sobre elementos muestra ayuda sobre losmismos.Tuxinfo isthe only magazine of free software, free android linux and LatinAmerica. With 5 years of experience and with over 30,000 monthlyreaders.Find us on the web >> our fan on Facebook >> us on Twitter >> >> with all issues of the journal>> Blog News FeedContact and social networking >>Flip to cycle >> magazines.Ability to share >> number and likes statistics anddownloads.View online PDF >>.Notification >> in the taskbar on the download.Implementation >> Holo Style (ICS) to the entire application:all menus or buttons are now available actions in the actionbar.Navigation >> publications through a Flip.All data >> a magazine together.Simplifying >> user preferences.>> Long-press on items displays help about the same.
Ushuaia Móvil 2.9
Ushuaia on your mobile device! You will findin one place, everything you are looking for.Mobile Ushuaia is a tourist and shopping guide thought for youto discover all the hot spots of the city and the area. From hotelsto hiking trails!In addition to rate and review your experiences, you'llfind:Services: We give everyday use information such as:• Quote of various currencies,• Climate,• Useful Phone Numbers,• Pharmacies on duty,• Interesting news about the city by• Events that take place in town, with the possibility of schedulethem on your mobile automatically,• Location of ATMs, Pago Facil and Rapi Pago,• Health centers and hospitals,• Taxi Stops.Tourism: The best ways to enjoy the city and nature!• Hiking,• CityTours on foot with all the information on importantsites,• Regional Products, the best of our land,• What to do,• Museums,• Tour Operators,• Book tours and walks,• Chocolate shops,• Souvenirs,• Rent a Car,• Accommodation.Shops: everything you need in one place• Gastronomy,• Paseo del Fuego Shopping Center,• Cafes and Bars• Night,• Supermarkets,• Ice Cream,• Food Delivery.
Botón antipánico - CPC MDQ 1.0
Gracias al portal de datos abiertos de la MGP( se pudorealizar esta aplicación que basado en tu ubicación determina elteléfono de la patrulla que corresponde a tu zona.El número se guarda para un uso offline. Gracias al diario online00234 ( que armo un mapavisualizando todas las zonas de la ciudad con su correspondienteuso.Se aceptan sugerencias sobre nuevas funcionalidades desde lapantalla about de la app o con un comentario aquí mismo.*el llamado al CPC implica un gasto telefónico en su factura.Consulte con su operador sobre los costos de la llamada.**los números y las zonas de los CPC son provistos por laMGP.**use el botón con discreción en situaciones de riesgoúnicamente.Thanks to the open dataportal MGP ( wereable to perform this application based on your location determinedby your patrol corresponding to your area.The number is saved for offline use. Thanks to the online journal00234 ( to arm a map displaying allareas of the city with its corresponding use.Suggestions for new features are accepted from the about screen appor a comment right here.* The call to CPC involves spending your phone bill. Ask youroperator about the costs of the call.Numbers ** and the areas of the CPC are provided by the MGP.** Use the button discreetly at risk only.
EnVivo MDQ 1.1
Gracias a los datos abiertos de la MGP, llega estafantástica app para conocer todos los eventos culturales que seestán presentando y presentaran en nuestra ciudad.Con esta app tienes un listado con el nombre, fecha y lugar detodos los eventos con el filtro temporal que vos quieras. Eligeentre "Hoy", "Mañana", "Este fin de semana" y "Próximo fin desemana".Además puedes establecer tu búsqueda personalizada por fecha deinicio, fecha de finalización y palabra clave.Consulta en un novedoso mapa los eventos más cercanos a ti.Cuando accedes a la ficha de un evento puedes ver su precio,descripción, imágenes, cantidad de asistentes, entre otros. No solopodrás compartilo con tus amigos a través de las diferentes redessociales sino que también podrás agendarlo en tu calendariopersonal.Esperamos tus valiosos comentarios para seguir creciendo!Algunas notas que nos hicieron open data MGP comes thisfantastic app for all cultural events that are occurring andpresent in our city.With this app you get a list with the name, date and place of allevents with the temporary folder that you want. Choose from"Today", "Tomorrow", "This weekend" and "Next weekend".You can also set your custom search by start date, end date andkeyword.Consultation on a new map you nearby events.When you agree to record an event you can see the price,description, pictures, number of attendees, among others. Not onlycan you Share with your friends through various social networks butyou can also agendarlo on your personal calendar.We expect your valuable comments to keep growing!Some notes that made us @gonzalobenoffi/envivo-mdq-c7f3480f7e1
Hangman Droid 5
Check how fast you are discovering the hiddenwords, and improve your vocabulary at the same time. A game for allaudiences. Your mission is to preserve as many cookies as you can,trying to not click on the wrong letters.Challenge your friends in the multiplayer environment to see who isthe one that knows more words.Publish your game scores in the social network you prefer, and manyother things…
Fiscales de la Red 1.3
Fiscales de la Red es una herramientaparacontrolar y cuidar tu voto. Visualiza las denuncias deotrosciudadanos en tu ciudad y suma tu adhesión si también te pasolomismo. Tocando sobre el mapa podes agregar tu denuncia.Tax Network is a tooltocontrol and care for your vote. Displays reports of othercitizensin your city and add your membership if you also pass thesame.Touching on the map you can add your complaint.
MiNecochea 1.5
A través de Mi Necochea podrás acceder atodala información actualizada de la ciudad, estés o no en ella.Cómollegar, que visitar, donde hospedarse, donde comer, pronósticodelclima, farmacias de turno, cartelera de cine, transporteurbano,estaciones de servicios, cajeros automáticos y muchomás.Toda la información se encuentra georeferenciada para maximizarlaexperiencia. Con solo click, Mi Necochea te puede llevar atudestino, mostrando el recorrido.Comenzá a disfrutar de Necochea y Quequén, en tu mano.Through My Necocheayoucan access all the latest information from the city, you're initor not. Directions, to visit, where to stay, where to eat,weatherforecast, duty pharmacies, movie listings, urban transport,gasstations, ATMs and more.All information is georeferenced to maximize the experience.Withone click, My Necochea can take you to your destination,showingthe route.Start to enjoy Quequén Necochea and in your hand.
The Nerd Game 1.4
Tired of the traditionalgameRock-Paper-Scissors? Do not despair!Has come "The Nerd Game"!Inspired by the game created by Sam Kass and Karen Bryla, "TheNerdGame" introduces and Lizard Spock to fight with the Stone,thePaper and th Scissors. Get as many points as possible to enterthehall of fame.Can you beat the mighty Spock? Can you not losing to theLizard?Prove it in this fun game and not get bored more!COMING SOON *** MULTIPLAYER Challenge your friends to see whoisthe best ***CREATED BY GONZALO BENOFFI AND MARCOS PUCINERI- New design!- New animation battle! Much more dynamic and entertaining.- Selection of character. Choose your favorite player to playandhave fun.>>
Que Proponen MDQ 1.2
'Qué Proponen MDQ' está orientada a mostrarala ciudadanía todas las propuestas que los pre-candidatosaIntendente hicieron en sus campañas. Asimismo, que laspersonaspuedan interactuar directamente con los candidatos luego dever suspropuestas, contribuyendo un debate más enriquecedor.La metodología de recopilación de la información serealizóinvestigando los medios sociales de los candidatos, frentesypartidos. Se considera una propuesta a aquellas consignascuyodestinatario sea una política pública a realizar en caso de queelcandidato sea electo, NO a bases de acción política omanifiestospolíticos. Cada vez que la página se carga, los PartidosPolíticosy Frentes se ordenan de forma aleatoria.'Proposed MDQ' is aimedatshowing the public all the proposals that the pre-candidatesformayor did in their campaigns. Also, people can interactdirectlywith the candidates after seeing their proposals,contributing aricher debate.The methodology of gathering information held socialmediaresearch candidates and parties fronts. A proposal to thosesloganswhose recipient is a public policy to take if the candidateiselected, NOT basis of political or overt political actionisconsidered. Each time the page is loaded, and FrontsPoliticalParties are arranged randomly.
Axioma 1.0
App oficial de la radio AxiomaOfficial App of theAxiomRadio
Pedi2Ya 1.9
Pedi2Ya will allow you to put together anorderfor easy and quick turnovers in situations that have notPedi2Yawould become a difficult to solve by the number of peopleand theirdiverse tastes. Pedi2Ya is a solution when orderingempanadaswithout using pen and paper. And provides easy access toyourcontacts so you can make the call playing fewer buttons.Version 1.9-> Completely redesigned! We now have an action bar withthemain functions of each screen. The funds have lighter colorsandsimple. Buttons and integrated into the OS sources.-> Multiple selection of flavors to add, subtractoreliminate.-> Integrated help to know what to do and whereVersion 1.8-> Fixed display bug in Motorola Defy +.-> Fixed bug in editing contacts.-> Fixed error in calculating total turnovers.Version 1.7-> Contact management improved!    (*) Add a contact zone: not all deliverysreacheverywhere    (*) Add a contact rating: not all contactshavethe same quality.    (*) Search by name or area    (*) Editing contact: If you made a mistakeorchanged data, you can edit the contact.-> Fixed problems with big flavors listVersion 1.6-> Fixed bug in version 4.1 and 4.1.2 for Androidwithimporting contacts-> English-language translations missing-> Fixed issues with cleaning the order. Menu key inArmingOrderVersion 1.5-> Now you have an agenda to get your numbers deliverysandeateries within the application. You can add new numbers orimportyour contact list. Finish your order, choose the number andyou'reordering what you asked. The app stay in the notification bartoopen the order while talking.Version 1.0-> Add / modify / delete flavors-> Armed order-> Direct Call to order-> Change Background
Dimar 1.2
DIMAR es una distribuidora de la ciudad de Mar del Plata, dondepodrá encontrar la más amplia variedad en nuestros productos:Cerraduras, Candados, Buzones, Cierrapuertas, Pasadores, CajasFuertes, Llaves y mucho más.
Free Hodor Keyboard 1.1
Hodor, hodor, hodor, hodorHoderCode is a custom keyboard for Android devices based onthepopular GoT character, Hodor. As only Hodor says "Hodor",thiskeyboard has one key are famously. A swipe to the left and youcandelete a character and swipe to the right you delete a"Hodor."Free and openThis project was done for educational purposes so the codeisopen and the application is free in the play store. Suggestionsandcontributions are welcome., hodor, hodor,hodorHoderCode is a custom keyboard for Android devices based onthepopular character GoT, Hodor. As only Hodor says "Hodor",thiskeyboard has one key are famously. A swipe to the left and youcandelete a character to the right and you swipe todelete"Hodor."Free and openThis project was done for educational ministering purposes sothecode is open and the application is free play in thestore.Suggestions and Contributions are welcome.
AppTacc 1.5
Collaborative guide of places to enjoy Mar del Plata withoutgluten.